Gait Analysis and Re-Education
Improving Confidence with a Steady Stance
When an injury interferes with your ability to function normally during the tasks of your day-to-day life, the discomfort of that injury is compounded, leaving you with emotional distress in addition to physical stress and discomfort. Balance disorders are a frequent cause of this sort of discomfort.
During the video gait and balance analysis we look at:


Pelvic control

Foot strike

Base of support

Fall risk assessment

Trunk movements

Rotational movements

Who Can Benefit From A Fife Video Balance Analysis?

People with balance issues caused by Stroke, MS, Brain/Spinal Cord Injury, Diabetes

People returning to running after an injury

Athletes looking to optimize their form

Postpartum women retuning to running

Athletes training for a race who have had a recurring injury (even if it doesn’t currently present
Following the balance analysis we sit down with you and take your through our observations to make sure you fully understand your balance opportunites. From there, we initiate corrective actions focusing on improved functional strength, coordination, and of cours, balance. Each exercise progression is tailored to your specific needs to make sure you are reaching your goals!

Orthopedic Surgical Care

Vestibular Rehabilitation

Gait Analysis

Balance Re-Education

Neuropathic Pain Treatment

Annual Physical Monitoring

The goal of any exercise program is to leave you feeling healthier and stronger. Therapeutic exercise, prescribed by a physical therapist, has similar goals.

Whether you’re training to compete or simply trying to progress in your sport we can help. We can optimize your performance on the field, pitch, pool or court.
Start the path to recovery today!
Are you suffering from pain or chronic condition that’s putting a haze on life? Fill out the form to request an appointment with your physical therapist and start your road to recovery today!
Start the path to recovery today!
Are you suffering from pain or chronic condition that’s putting a haze on life? Fill out the form to request an appointment with your physical therapist and start your road to recovery today!