Sport Performance Enhancement
Stay at Peak Performance
High level athletes are very very good a compensating even when performing at a high level, but this also puts them at risk for breakdown. We use state of the art equipment and methodologies to get athletes to peak performance and keep them there.
We begin with biomechanics testing and exercise design based data. These tests measure strength, range of motion and speed and allow us to diagnose an athletes hidden deficits and compensations. As the old saying goes ‘bad habits are hard to break’ this is also applicable to our muscle and movements memory. After the dysfunctional areas are identified this information is used to prescribe a corrective program that can be completed at our facility or given to a coach and completed at their own private facilities with our distant oversight.
The second part of our Sports Performance Enhancement program is our Neuro Visual Training. This is a different level of sports enhancement and utilizes the Senaptec Technology. Sports rely on split second decisions and quickness of hand eye reaction is critical. We perform in depth tests on peripheral vision, reaction time, decision making, and depth perception. We then use the data to generate a training program to improve performance so that an athlete is performing at their very best at all levels. As is all parts of our program we test, train, retest to ensure progress and tweak programs
Savannah ACL
Savannah ACL is a collaborative effort from some of the top sports medicine physicians in the area – Dr Mark Spivey, Dr Thomas Alexander, Dr Joey Boaen and Dr Trey Oschner. The goal is education on prevention in particular identifying athletes at risk, monitoring these athletes through their career as they seek college scholarships and if surgical intervention is required, offering them the best options the region has to offer.
The focus of the program is force plate testing, bio mechanical analysis and unpredictable high load performance- it is all data driven. If surgery is required, ‘return to sport’ will only be cleared if the advanced testing is completed within our required limits and passed. Keep your eyes open for our blog and the info we will be posting on it. We really do want to see a dramatic decrease of these injuries in the Low Country.
Thourough testing
Our evaluation includes, but is not limited to:
- Functional movement screens
- Video motion analysis
- Range of motion testing emphasizing the requirements of the sport
- Functional strength testing
To return you to your sport at the optimal level, we use a combination of:
- Manual therapy techniques
- Sport-specific mobility training
- Sport-specific strengthening
- Functional training for sport-specific movement patterns
Some of the most common sports injuries we see include:
- ITB Syndrome
- Ankle sprains
- Hamstring strains
- Rotator cuff tendonitis
- Stress fractures
- Plantar fasciitis
- Post-surgical labral, rotator cuff, meniscus, and ACL repairs
- Hip impingement

Orthopedic Surgical Care

Vestibular Rehabilitation

Gait Analysis

Balance Re-Education

Neuropathic Pain Treatment

Annual Physical Monitoring

The goal of any exercise program is to leave you feeling healthier and stronger. Therapeutic exercise, prescribed by a physical therapist, has similar goals.

Whether you’re training to compete or simply trying to progress in your sport we can help. We can optimize your perfomance on the field, pitch, pool or court.
Start the path to recovery today!
Are you suffering from pain or chronic condition that’s putting a haze on life? Fill out the form to request an appointment with your physical therapist and start your road to recovery today!
Start the path to recovery today!
Are you suffering from pain or chronic condition that’s putting a haze on life? Fill out the form to request an appointment with your physical therapist and start your road to recovery today!