vestibular rehabilitation Therapy
Improve Your Coordination
For most of us, feeling dizzy or off-balance only happens when we’ve overindulged in our favorite drink. But for those with Vestibular Disorders, these symptoms can be a frequent, often debilitating, occurrence.
As many as 35% of Americans over 40 have experienced some form of vestibular dysfunction and 80% of Americans over age 65 have experienced dizziness.
Your vestibular system is composed of three canals and two sacs filled with fluid. The fluid shifts when you turn your head or change positions and stimulates hair cell receptors to tell the brain what’s happening. The brain then uses this information to maintain balance and help the eyes stay focused. Problems in the vestibular system can be caused by how/when the receptors fire or by problems with the nerves that transmit this message to the brain.
Who Can Benefit From Vestibular Therapy?
At Fife Physical Therapy, we treat a variety of Vestibular Disorders that can make you feel dizzy or off balance, affecting the quality of your everyday life.

Dizziness or Vertigo

General balance deficits


Unilateral & bilateral vestibular hypofunction

Xerebellar degeneration and age-related multisensory deficits

Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV)

Meniere’s disease

Acoustic neuroma

Mal de Debarquement Syndrome

Concussion/post-concussion syndrome

Migraines and other Headaches


Ramsey-Hunt Syndrome
What to Expect With Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy
For most vestibular disorders, sessions are typically held 1-2 times per week for several weeks or months, depending on the severity, complexity, and chronicity of the symptoms. By utilizing and progressing the repetition of provoking activities in order to extinguish symptoms, it is important to note that exercises will usually increase symptoms while they are being performed in Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy. As patients progress, however, the symptoms eventually subside. Sessions are spent focusing on balance training, vision exercises to improve oculomotor function and gaze stability, and individualized vestibular exercises. These specifically tailored programs are meant to re-train the vestibular system and improve the patient’s sense of where they are in space so that they can properly navigate their way through Savannah with a strong sense of equilibrium.
The goal of any exercise program is to leave you feeling healthier and stronger. Therapeutic exercise, prescribed by a physical therapist, has similar goals.
Start the path to recovery today!
Are you suffering from pain or chronic condition that’s putting a haze on life? Fill out the form to request an appointment with your physical therapist and start your road to recovery today!
Start the path to recovery today!
Are you suffering from pain or chronic condition that’s putting a haze on life? Fill out the form to request an appointment with your physical therapist and start your road to recovery today!